Join Queen Medb in a march of the Táin to Athlone Castle.
Meet the Táin March organisers at the Civic Square, Athlone, where they will demonstrate and encourage everyone to join in. There will be lots of costumes for children to dress up and have fun (Costumes will be provided on a first come, first served basis).
From the town centre, Queen Medb and her warriors will march to Athlone Castle. There will be a brief talk about the Táin March in the Castle’s courtyard followed by a chance to visit Athlone Castle Visitor Centre and play outdoor board games and giant chess.
All Welcome! Admission to Athlone Castle Visitor Centre is free for all the participants of the March.
This free event is a part of The Táin March Festival www.tainmarch.ie
Photo Credit: The Táin March Festival.